Our vision is to be an environmental leader in our industry and the communities in which we work. We believe that through environmental and social leadership, we will deliver long-term value for all, now and in the future. This is a journey, not a destination. We are committed to continually improving the management of our environmental responsibilities and reaching out to our communities.
We are committed to:
- Meeting or exceeding the requirements of applicable environmental laws, regulations, and local rules;
- Conserving natural resources through the intelligent use of products and energy, innovative approaches to our work, new technology, utilization of recycled materials, and land stewardship;
- Conducting our business activities in a manner that minimizes environmental impact and incorporates best practices of pollution prevention and waste minimization;
- Maintaining personnel development and management systems to meet our environmental commitments and company objectives;
- Continually improving the way in which we manage our environmental responsibilities.
These commitments reflect our corporate Core Values and Code of Conduct and support Our Environmental Vision and Strategy.
During production, we:
- Actively work towards a clean, organized, and safe work environment;
- Continuously monitor energy usage and efficiency;
- Consistently strive to use recycled materials for developing and manufacturing our products.